VR in the classroom- conceptualising and planning VR

I’ve recently been doing some more traditional research, including writing a chapter for the forthcoming Palgrave Handbook of Screen Production, Editors: Batty, C., Berry, M., Dooley, K., Frankham, B., Kerrigan, S. (Eds.) . In it I explore the challenges faced by educators incorporating immersive VR contents into screen media teaching, and share a visual and conceptual methodology I’ve developed for the early stages of planning and conceptualising VR that I’ve been using with students. Forthcoming in Nov 2019. https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030217433 .

I’m also looking forward to a Visiting Scholarship with Prof Dene Grigar at Washington State University Vancouver in late 2019, to learn more about the incredible Electronic Literature Media Archaeology Lab at WSUV, and participate in the Pathfinders project via a traversal of my early interactive narrative work/s.

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